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Add Custom Dye (Hot Dip)


This is to add a custom dye to a disc in your order. If there are multiple discs please leave a note in the checkout about which disc is getting which dye.


Archer, Assassin's Creed, Batman-Joker, Batman-Symbol, Broken Glass, Calvin and Hobbes, Cowboy Bebop, Crash Bandicoot, Daft Punk, Football-Patriots, Futurama, Geometric 1, Geometric 2, Geometric 3, Geometric 4, Geometric 5, Geometric 6, Get out of Jail, Left Shark, Mario-Flower, Mario-Lakitu, Mario-Shy Guy, Pirate, Pokemon-Bulba Evo, Pokemon-Cynda Evo, Pokemon-Dratini Evo, Pokemon-Ghast Evo, Pokemon-Pika Cap, Pokemon-Pika Evo, Pokemon-Squirt Evo, Pokemon-Squirtle Squad, Portal, Star Wars-Ewok, Star Wars-Pilot, Superman, Zelda, Zelda-2, Zelda-Geometric, Zelda-Majora's Mask

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  • KaxeZ
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